Some Frustration
For most of us on the team, this was the week where we wanted to go guns blazing into the game, and get to work. That, however, was put on hold, as our professor wants us to do a bit more flushing out of our plans for the semester. Long story short, everyone has been forbidden from doing anything in-engine. Yes it's very frustrating that we can't do development yet, but in the end, we all know that this is necessary so we can have a good plan, and make changes without them causing too many issues.
Work This Week
So since we couldn't do any technical work, my job this week has mostly been about planning for the train level. I've already started doing some sketches of what I want the beginning of the level to look like and what the objectives are. The main idea is that there will be train in the station that is ready to leave, but in order to get it out, the player has to use their new weapon, an electric cannon that fires lightening at short ranges, to power electric canisters and get the train going. Along with this planning and sketching, I also started to put together a level design document and went to a QA session as a developer and tester.
Next Sprint
By the beginning of next sprint, we'll more than likely get greenlite for production, and that's when the real fun begins. I can finally get back into Unity and get started on the blockout of the train level. There's still a few things I'd like to run by the team as well, so I'll probably do that either at the end of this sprint or the beginning of the next. Overall though, I can't wait to finally get started on my work for this game.