BETA is on the way!!!
With the upcoming deadline of BETA, work this week has been pretty heavy. Basically, we need to get all of the levels I've build functional and arted to an extent. On top of that, PAX East was this weekend, so a few of our team members were there showcasing. Overall, we've had a busy week, but the work we've been doing is pretty satisfying.
My Work This Week
Naturally since this deadline is more centered around levels, my workload has been pretty high. First, I got the train station to be operational, and to transition into the second boss fight. I think I'm probably more proud of the work I've been doing to the anthill though. Putting together the obstacles in the first room made me realize that the anthill is probably my favorite level. It's probably thanks to the heavy planning that we did with our VR sketching, but everything just feels really clean and fluid. I'm excited to keep working on it and get it ready for BETA.

Next Sprint
Once we get past BETA, it's all polish from there. For me, that'll probably mean helping to implement art into each level, and to make any adjustments to obstacles and encounters that need to be based on QA feedback. We're also gonna be implementing cut-scenes, which I think are gonna help guide the player a lot. Arachnotron is really coming along, and I can't wait to get it to the end.