Although I haven't done much on it yet, I figured I might as well mention that I'm now working on my second level for "A Hat in Time"! Now that I have my own computer, I can finally access the game's level editor without being tied down to a school lab. Unfortunately though, things are a little weird with bringing The Twilight Dwellers over to my new computer, so it looks like that mod is officially done, and won't be getting any updates. With that said, I'm really excited to get back into the swing of things, and make a fun new level.
The Concept
This time around, I thought it would be cool to make an epilogue for one of the chapters in the game, and one of them that I really enjoyed was Battle of The Birds. So the way I have it going now is that the Conductor has taken over Dead Bird Studio and is tearing down all of the space sets so he can use them for his next movie. Unfortunately for him, his owls aren't doing as good a job at cleanup as he would like, and needs Hat Kid to step in and get the studio in tip top shape for production. This'll involve a lot of demolition of DJ Grooves' old sets, and once that's all done the Conductor will give you a Time Piece.
Progress So Far
Things have been a bit slow to start, but since I've left school, I've been working a job on the side, so I don't have as much time to do level design stuff. As far as this level goes, I've set up all of the rooms that are in the studio, but they're empty. They do have new textures on the walls though, so they all at least look like they're for a western film. I've also started putting in a few characters with dialogue; nothing really complex yet, but it is coming along.

I don't know if I'm gonna be doing weekly updates on this level, but I'm gonna try to do them whenever I do something significant. Looking forward to bringing it to life.