So this week, I wanted to do something that I didn't really do on my first level, which was do a level design in Illustrator before diving into the engine more. When I made The Twilight Dwellers, I was teaching myself how to use UDK at the same time, so it wound up turning into me just building the level as I went along. This time around though, I thought the best plan would be for me to plan out what I want to do before making, so I can ultimately make the level more fun.

Overall, I think this design is pretty descent, and with some fine tuning, it'll really come to life. My focus with this design was put more on the sections of the studio that were used by DJ Grooves, and modifying them for use by The Conductor. This is why his original areas are mostly unchanged, with just a few secret areas that I want to implement.
Coming Up
Now that I have a basic design of what I want to make, it means that in-engine work is on the way. Thankfully, I took the time to set up the rooms and a few other small things earlier, but this'll be the first real time we get things going. Look forward to seeing more soon!